Your Voice Matters for Colorado’s Rivers: Engage in the Water Plan Update Process
Oct 13, 2021 -
During the development of the Colorado Water Plan six years ago, Water for Colorado came together to help ensure Coloradans’ voices were heard in the creation of the plan. In... 
Get To Know Your River Basins
Oct 07, 2021 -
Our rivers are the lifeblood of the American West, and we all know that river and water management are both fundamentally important and infinitely complex, governed through... Press Release: Dire Federal Water Projections Demand Urgent Action from State Leaders
Sep 22, 2021 -
DENVER, CO — The Water for Colorado Coalition today released the following statement in response to the release of the U.S. Bureau... 
Meet Water for Colorado’s Statewide Team
Sep 10, 2021 -
When the Water for Colorado Coalition came together in 2015 around the creation of the Colorado Water Plan, we were united by a simple belief — that... Boosting Water Reliability for Birds and People
Sep 01, 2021 -
Process-based restoration: restoring natural river processes Water Funding Playbook
Aug 23, 2021 -
The purpose of this guide is to assist water conservancy districts, nonprofits, local governments, citizen stakeholder initiatives and others in learning more about successfully implementing new local sources of... Press Release: First-Ever Colorado River Basin Tier 1 Shortage Shows Need for Greater Resilience to Climate Change
Aug 16, 2021 -
Denver, CO — Today, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation declared the first-ever Tier 1 shortage in the Colorado River Basin, triggering Ten Strategies for Resilience in the Colorado River Basin
Jul 28, 2021 -
Water conservation efforts have often focused on addressing the “water budget” problem (e.g. balancing supply and demand). While these efforts are essential, they are not enough to deal with... As Lake Powell and Western Rivers Hit Record Lows, New Report Shows Better Alternative to Expensive, Unnecessary Lake Powell Pipeline
Jul 28, 2021 -
The Local Waters Alternative 2.0 would meet Washington County’s water needs while protecting the Colorado River. Western Resource Advocates and American Rivers announced the release of the Local Waters... 
Find Your Voice in Conservation Advocacy
Jul 20, 2021 -
This year we have all experienced a multitude of influential events in our lives that have changed how we think, ranging from the COVID19 virus, the stay... 
Wildfire Season Is Here: Why it Matters for Our Rivers and Water
Jul 16, 2021 -
It’s been said we no longer have fire seasons; we have fire years. We all remember a year ago when fires ravaged our state and smoke... Audubon Boosts Water Awareness and Funding for Birds and People
Jun 30, 2021 -
Water—Colorado’s most precious resource for birds and people—was a central issue for legislators in the 2021 legislative session. Water is Vital to Colorado’s Future
Jun 22, 2021 -
Read the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership's brochure on why water is vital for Colorado's future. Our water system is under a barrage of persistent drought, hydrological shifts driven by... Western Water 101
Jun 22, 2021 -
Welcome to Trout Unlimited's series focusing on water in the West. Join them on a tour through the history of the West’s water systems and major rivers, as we... Press Release: Water for Colorado Coalition Celebrates Legislature’s Allocation of $20 Million for State Water Plan Implementation
Jun 10, 2021 -
Denver, CO — The Water for Colorado Coalition today celebrated the passage of HB21-1260, which allocates $20 million to the Colorado Water...