Arizona Capital Times Arizona’s budget must reflect our water challenges
Jan 28, 2020 -
Gov. Doug Ducey and the Arizona Legislature have announced their versions of Arizona’s annual budget, which lays out key funding priorities to safeguard the well-being of our state. Those... KKCO News Water experts say 2020 is a big year for water conversations
Jan 15, 2020 -
GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (KKCO)- 2020 kicks off a new decade and marks a big year for water conversations. On Wednesday night at CMU local, regional and statewide water... Boulder City Review Lake’s tide turns: Water at highest level since 2014, not enough to end drought
Jan 15, 2020 -
The water at Lake Mead is projected to be at its highest level in years, but the drought is still not over, according to the Bureau of Reclamation. Lake Mead’s... Tuscon News Rural groundwater pumping is next big Arizona water issue for lawmakers
Jan 13, 2020 -
PHOENIX — Arizona lawmakers once again face tough questions of how to deal with increased demand for water in the face of drier weather, and how to get water... Cronkite News Teamwork will be key to balancing the overcommitted Colorado River
Jan 08, 2020 -
PHOENIX – Along with long-term drought and climate change, the overcommitment of the Colorado River is a big reason why Lake Mead has dropped to historic levels in recent... Grand Journal Sentinel A look ahead to 2020: Wolves and water among top issues for Western Colorado
Dec 31, 2019 -
The local energy, environment and natural resource issues The Daily Sentinel expects to be closely tracking in 2020 generally look to be some of the same ones that... Colorado Springs Gazette Drought report shows tough days ahead for parts of Colorado
Dec 26, 2019 -
Thursday’s report from the United States Drought Monitor shows the month of December has not been kind to most of Colorado. Drought conditions statewide have jumped to 68% of the... 
What Climate Change Means for Colorado Winters
Dec 23, 2019 -
October 11 marked the beginning of Colorado’s 2019/2020 winter recreation season when Arapahoe Basin became the first ski resort in the country to open its lifts. The... Associated Press US water chief praises Colorado River deal, sees challenges
Dec 12, 2019 -
LAS VEGAS (AP) — States in the U.S. West that have agreed to begin taking less water next month from the drought-stricken Colorado River got praise and a push... 
Webinar: History of the Colorado Water Plan
Dec 11, 2019 -
This helpful webinar dives into the history and implementation of the Colorado Water Plan. It covers the importance of water management and how state officials and experts...