What the Biden victory means for our rivers and clean water
Nov 07, 2020 -
One of my favorite quotes is from Leonardo da Vinci, “In rivers, the water that you touch is the last of what has passed and the first of that... 
Colorado Voters Choose to Protect Our Rivers
Nov 06, 2020 -
On November 3, Colorado voters passed two key ballot measures to help keep our rivers healthy and flowing. Together these measures will generate nearly $8... The high cost of climate change is already straining the budgets of Colorado towns
Nov 06, 2020 -
The Grizzly Creek fire still is smoldering, but Glenwood Springs is already contemplating the challenges it will leave behind: severe damage to the forest drainages the Western Slope city... 
Press Release: Water for Colorado Coalition Applauds the Passage of $8 Million to Protect Colorado’s Rivers
Nov 04, 2020 -
Today, the Water for Colorado coalition celebrates the passage of two key local ballot measures that will increase investment in Colorado’s rivers and streams. Millions in new taxes approved for West Slope, Front Range water districts
Nov 04, 2020 -
Water won big in Colorado on Election Day as voters in two multi-county districts approved property tax increases to fund water projects and programs. St. Vrain and Left Hand Water Conservancy District tax increase carrying with swell of Boulder County support
Nov 04, 2020 -
A tax increase to support the St. Vrain and Left Hand Water Conservancy District appears poised to pass, carried by the support of Boulder County voters. The St. Vrain... Colorado River District Issue 7A: Voters overwhelmingly pass River District tax hike
Nov 03, 2020 -
Western Slope voters have overwhelmingly passed a proposal by the Colorado River Water Conservation District to raise property taxes across its 15-county region. Are Colorado homeowners stalling out on conservation?
Nov 01, 2020 -
The summer days of 2019 in Castle Rock were hot and endless. School teacher Kirsten Schuman, pregnant with her second child, wearily watered her suburban yard only to see... 
Water for Colorado Votes to Protect Our Waterways
Oct 26, 2020 -
With Election Day just one week away, it’s vital that we keep rivers in mind as we fill out our ballots. Rivers are the lifeblood of the... Weak 2020 water year comes to a close
Oct 22, 2020 -
The blizzards of January and February seem like distant dreams to Colorado water managers. What started as a promising year for water supply — with above-average snowpack as of... Wildfire in Our Watersheds
Oct 22, 2020 -
Colorado is in the midst of prime wildfire season. Wildfires have gripped Colorado for much of the summer and they continue to burn—with both historic size and force into... Americans See Urgent Need to Protect Water Amidst Climate Change in New Walton Family Foundation Poll
Oct 21, 2020 -
A poll released today by the Walton Family Foundation reveals almost universal agreement among Americans that the nation needs to take immediate action on protecting water and addressing climate... 
Water for Colorado Votes: Investing in Local Water Projects
Oct 20, 2020 -
This year, we’ve seen raging wildfires harm our forests and waterways, increasingly severe droughts put our farms and ranches at risk, and decreasing water supplies threaten our... Eagle River Watershed Council: How fires impact our rivers
Oct 15, 2020 -
Fire is in the headlines these days, with more than 4 million acres burned to date this year on the West Coast. Our fire season here in Colorado has... For The West’s Drinking Water, Wildfire Concerns Linger Long After Smoke Clears
Oct 14, 2020 -
For many communities in the West, the water that flows out of kitchen faucets and bathroom showerheads starts high up in the mountains, as snowpack tucked under canopies of...