Colorado Project named a priority area in USDA WaterSMART Initiative
Dec 07, 2020 -
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service has selected 31 priority areas to receive $13 million in Environmental Quality Incentives Program funding as part of the WaterSMART... River district detailing review process for applications for new tax funding
Dec 04, 2020 -
The Colorado River District board in January expects to finalize a framework for considering applications for shares of the $4.2 million in annual funds it will be able to... Ongoing drought starts to take toll on Aspen area
Dec 04, 2020 -
The drought that kept its grip on Pitkin County and most of Colorado all summer is now reaching into early winter. The Rancher Trying to Solve the West’s Water Crisis
Dec 04, 2020 -
The power politics of the Colorado River have long pitted families like Paul Bruchez’s against big cities. Under pressure from climate change, they might be finding a path out. Colorado wildfires are impacting our water; here’s what we can do
Dec 03, 2020 -
One year ago, exactly zero parts of Colorado were officially designated as being abnormally dry or in drought. What a difference a year makes.... Water officials working on draft of demand management concept
Nov 30, 2020 -
State water officials are hoping early next year to roll out a draft demand management proposal to help in evaluating the concept as a possible response to managing Colorado... Vail Resorts’ cancellation of cloud seeding this winter could mean less water in streams
Nov 27, 2020 -
Due to budget shortfalls, Vail Resorts has pulled this winter’s funding for its cloud seeding program — the longest-running in the state at 44 years — potentially reducing the... 
Press Release: Water for Colorado Coalition Applauds the Passage of $8 Million to Protect Colorado’s Rivers
Nov 04, 2020 -
Today, the Water for Colorado coalition celebrates the passage of two key local ballot measures that will increase investment in Colorado’s rivers and streams. 
Water for Colorado Votes to Protect Our Waterways
Oct 26, 2020 -
With Election Day just one week away, it’s vital that we keep rivers in mind as we fill out our ballots. Rivers are the lifeblood of the... Americans See Urgent Need to Protect Water Amidst Climate Change in New Walton Family Foundation Poll
Oct 21, 2020 -
A poll released today by the Walton Family Foundation reveals almost universal agreement among Americans that the nation needs to take immediate action on protecting water and addressing climate... 
Water for Colorado Votes: Investing in Local Water Projects
Oct 20, 2020 -
This year, we’ve seen raging wildfires harm our forests and waterways, increasingly severe droughts put our farms and ranches at risk, and decreasing water supplies threaten our... Rivers as Economic Engines: Investing in clean water, communities and our future
Jul 21, 2020 -
Investing in rivers creates jobs and strengthens the economy. A new report, “Rivers as Economic Engines: Investing in clean water, communities and our... In Parched Southwest, Warm Spring Renews Threat of ‘Megadrought’
Jul 08, 2020 -
Here at 12,000 feet on the Continental Divide, only vestiges of the winter snowpack remain, scattered white patches that have yet to melt and feed the upper Colorado River,... Court Rules Dakota Access Pipeline Must Be Emptied For Now
Jul 07, 2020 -
A federal judge has ruled that the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline must be emptied for now while the Army Corps of Engineers produces an environmental review. 
Webinar: Healthy Colorado Rivers Support a Healthy Colorado Economy
Mar 05, 2020 -
Rivers are the lifeblood of our economies in the West, contributing billions of dollars every year to the state of Colorado's economy....