Annie Henderson is a co-founder of the Upper Colorado Private Boaters Association, an affiliate of American Whitewater.
Re: “Final Colorado water plan will need specifics,” Dec. 12 editorial.
I applaud The Denver Post for pointing to the need for more details to be incorporated into Colorado’s Water Plan as it continues to be shaped through 2015. Specifically, that the “action agenda” should place conservation as a high priority, and go beyond measures such as implementing efficient bathroom fixtures.
I share concerns that the draft leaves open the possibility of new, large diversion projects. Utilities on the eastern side of the divide already divert about 475,000 acre-feet each year from the Colorado River Basin. Increasing this amount will certainly have negative effects on Western Slope rivers.
From an ecological, recreational and economic standpoint, there is simply no more water to give. It is time for Colorado to commit to a statewide goal of a 1 percent-per-year reduction in water use.
Annie Henderson, Glenwood Springs
The writer is co-founder of the Upper Colorado Private Boaters Association.