The Colorado Water Conservation Board released an updated timeline for the Colorado Water Plan.
The plan is expected to provide a path forward for providing Coloradans with the water we need while supporting healthy watersheds and the environment, robust recreation and tourism economies, vibrant and sustainable cities, and viable and productive agriculture.
Some milestone dates for the plan include:
- July, 2014: Draft Basin Implementation Plan submitted to the conservation board.
- October, 2014: Public comment deadline for draft water plan sections.
- December, 2014: Draft Colorado Water Plan delivered to the Gov. Hickenlooper.
- May, 2015: Public comment deadline for draft Basin Implementation Plan.
- September, 2015: Public comment deadline for draft Basin Implementation Plan.
- December, 2015: Final Colorado Water Plan submitted to the Governor.
Check out the entire timeline CWP-Timeline.
As you can see, the process is moving forward very rapidly. So if you want your voice hear, please take a moment to submit your comments for consideration by the water board. CLICK HERE.