We promised our community back in March that the Water for Colorado team remained committed to ensuring healthy rivers for Colorado–and we continue to do just that. We also recognize that COVID-19 has created new and unique challenges for our communities. With more time indoors, especially as the weather warms and rivers begin to flow, many of us may find ourselves looking for something new to engage our hearts and minds at home. Over the past few weeks, our peers and partners have been hard at work and many have put their energy into creating helpful materials for the community. We hope that the initiatives we’ve compiled below can serve as useful resources to you and your families–and that you’ll even learn a thing or two about water along the way!
Water for Colorado: Project Map
The water we use to drink, irrigate our crops, recreate, and sustain our communities is water that we share with our rivers, streams, and lakes. But climate change, pollution, and population growth are putting significant strains on water supplies across our state. Earlier this year, we created the Colorado Water Plan Grant Projects Map to help the public and decision-makers better understand the on-the-ground work being done to safeguard our water. Take a look at our map and learn more about the projects in your community!
EPA: Drinking Water Mapping Application to Protect Source Waters
As we all find ourselves washing our hands–even more than usual–to stay safe and healthy during this pandemic, some of you might be wondering where your water is coming from. Check out this recent post from American Rivers for some answers! You’ll find links to many great resources–like the EPA’s interactive map where you can find the source of drinking water for any U.S. region or city.
Audubon Rockies: Corona Care Package
Audubon Rockies has developed a collection of birdy resources to help lift your spirits during social distancing. This page of activities includes educational resources, blog posts, and ways to get involved with habitat conservation from home!
The Nature Conservancy: Nature Lab
Interested in finding activities for your kids that help them learn more about our natural resources? The Nature Conservancy website is home to Nature Lab–an interactive platform for kids that provides week-long curriculum plans to keep curious minds engaged in climate education. Nature Lab also provides Virtual Field Trips to ‘transport’ you into nature, all while staying safely sheltered at home. These field trips are designed for students in grades 5-8 and come with guides to help you lead fascinating lessons at home.
Trout Unlimited: Children’s Activities
These days, many of us are taking care of our little ones at home and are trying our best to find ways to keep them occupied and engaged, which can be challenging. Trout Unlimited can offer you some support. Check out their extensive list of activities and resources they’ve created for you and your kids. From art projects to e-readers, these water-focused educational materials are enriching and fun!
National Audubon Society: The Joy of Birds
The National Audubon Society has developed a “birdy care package” to brighten your day. In trying times like these, reflecting on nature can be a healthy distraction that brings us moments of peace and joy. Check out this resource to view beautiful photography, the best bird mating dances, or a peek behind the scenes at Connecticut’s biggest baby bird nursery.